

Well, maybe not completely finished. I think it's at a place where I can confidently present in critique on Monday. I might make a few changes after it has been graded.


The transfer seems to have worked just fine. There is still quite a bit of paper to remove, but it shows the underlying schedule. The second photo is a detail shot of the left hand side.


please work.

Second attempt. Wish me luck. Did I mention this has to be completed by Monday ...

day five

After letting the gesso dry over night, I re-painted the area with a dark brown acrylic paint. Once that was dry, I covered it again with a wash of yellow ocher.

In light of my transfer being a total disaster, I took a step back and realized the texture left behind was actually quite nice. I decided to sand what was left on the canvas down to a smooth texture and gesso over the top.

day four continued ...



day four

Over lunch I completed the first step of the transfer process. I am hoping it will by dry by this evening so I can start removing the paper. If this is not a success, it will be a long weekend ...